As far as there is no other explicit information the copyright of the content of this website (including the photos and panoramas) is owned by the author of this website.
Permission to use some of the photos of this website is only given for
non-commercial purposes. The photos must be directly accompanied by the following copyright information
© 2003 Helmut Klatt -
Photos and panoramas may also be downloaded for private personal use. It is not allowed, to alter them or to republish them (e.g. on another website).
All links of this website have been carefully selected by me. Nevertheless the following statement is necessary for legal reasons:
Herewith I strictly dissociate myself from all contents of all links from "" to other websites. In addition I declare that I did not have (nor have at present) any influence on contents of the linked websites. Should dubious content be found on one of the linked websites, I ask for notice.
This is not (and also in future not intended to become) a commercial site. Of course most people who visit this site will certainly do this because they consider travelling here. Online reservation of hotels and flights may be a helpful additional service. But I hope you are able to recognize that it is not the other way round.
The following disclaimer concerns the hotel reservation system and expedia's flight booking system and will be translated in future:
Auch für die auf dieser Website eingerichteten Links zu Hotels und zum Online-Buchungssystem Venere schließe ich eine Haftung aus für Schäden aus eventuellen Irrtümern bei den Links ("Druckfehlern") oder Fehlinformationen auf den angelinkten Seiten. Auf die Gestaltung der Webseiten der Anbieter bzw. des Reservierungssystems habe ich keinen Einfluss. Außerdem gibt es für mich bislang keinerlei Anlass, an deren Seriosität zu zweifeln. Die Buchung erfolgt auch nicht bei mir sondern über das angelinkten Reservierungssystem zu den dort angegebenen Bedingungen.
Die für die Links benutzten Fotos stammen von den Webseiten der Anbieter.